Thursday, August 24, 2017

Britannia Beach 05/07/2017

Vlad needed to recover the temperature sensor that we placed at Project Baseline Britannia Beach, so we went out to get it. It was a great evening for it.

The trail down to the beach past the park was showing large signs of erosion due to wave action. From the trail you couldn't see it, so it could be a safety issue at some point. Walking directly on top of the eroded area in full gear could cause it to collapse. It was definitely something to keep in mind. Here was a picture.

The visibility in the first 10 feet was not good, touch contact at best. But under that it was quite good. We measured the visibility at Station A at 3.8 meters and at Station B at 5.8 meters. Here was a picture of Vlad beside one of the stations.

The sensor was deployed at Station A. It had sunk due to something clamped on to the line. I really couldn't figure out what it was or how it got there.

Once we recovered the sensor, we headed off to Station B. The orange line connecting the two stations was still in place if a bit brown and dirty.

On the way we came across some big red rock crabs.

And a very nice fried-egg jellyfish.

When we surfaced, we scarred the crap out of a dog on a walk with his owner. He couldn't figure out what these strange things coming out of the ocean was!

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